What do I need to know before I visit Fresno Chaffee Zoo?
Before you arrive, make sure to check out our Plan Your Visit page for the most up-to-date information on what to expect and what may be impacted by construction. There, you can also download our map and visitors’ guide for your visit.
What is your dress code policy?
We suggest you dress comfortably, wear good walking shoes and check the local weather report before you leave for your Zoo day.
Proper attire, including shoes and shirts, must be worn at all times.
Inappropriate attires includes but is not limited to:
- Clothing with objectionable material, including obscene language or graphics Excessively torn clothing or loose fitting clothing which may drag on the ground and create a potential trip hazard
Clothing which, by nature, exposes excessive portions of the skin that may be viewed as inappropriate for a family environment
Refrain from wearing clothing or accessories that contain profanity or that convey membership or affiliation with street gangs or other similarly oriented group or association prone to violence, criminal acts, or hate- and racially biased-based beliefs.
We reserve the right to deny admission to or remove any person wearing attire that we consider inappropriate or attire that could detract from the experience of other guests.
How do I pay for parking at Roeding Park?
The City of Fresno has added pay stations throughout Roeding Park to pay for parking. There are 11 kiosks throughout the park. These kiosks accept exact cash (parking is $5) or card (with a $0.40 convenience fee). You can also pay via the ParkMobile App which is available on the App Store and Google Play. Roeding Park annual parking pass holders have been grandfathered into the City’s updated parking system. For helpful information on how to use the kiosks and where to find them, please refer to this guide.
When do my Fresno Chaffee Zoo tickets expire?
Tickets purchased online expire one year from date of purchase.
Do you offer any resources for accessibility at Fresno Chaffee Zoo?
Yes, we offer a number of accommodations and resources to help guests enjoy the Zoo. Please see our Accessibility and Inclusion page for more information about the resources available before and during your visit.
Are service dogs welcome at Fresno Chaffee Zoo?
Service dogs, as defined by the ADA, are absolutely welcome at Fresno Chaffee Zoo. To confirm that your dog is defined as a service dog by the ADA, visit https://www.ada.gov/regs2010/service_animal_qa.html or call our Visitor Services department at 559-470-6876.
Service dogs are welcome in most areas of the Zoo, however, for the safety of the animals, service dogs are prohibited in the Rainforest, Tropical Treasures, Australian Aviary, Stingray Bay and Valley Farm.
Guests visiting Fresno Chaffee Zoo with service dogs do have restrictions when visiting certain exhibits. Upon entrance to the Zoo, a Visitor Services staff members will inform you of any restrictions.
Does Fresno Chaffee Zoo offer a military discount?
Yes! Fresno Chaffee Zoo does offer a military discount on regular Zoo admission for active military members. The discount is 50% off for up to two guests. This discount can only be applied toward regular Zoo admission. It is not valid on events. Military discount is only available at the Ticket Booth.
Is outside food and/or drink allowed inside Fresno Chaffee Zoo?
Yes, guests are welcome to bring outside food to Fresno Chaffee Zoo for small groups. For the safety of guests and animals, please leave glass, aluminum cans, straws, and alcohol at home. Small, personal coolers which can be carried in one hand are permitted. For guest safety, large coolers are not allowed.
Organized groups (birthday parties, baby showers, bridal showers, etc.) will be required to book an event venue on Zoo grounds to hold their gathering. Please note that tables in the Kopje Lodge and at Safari and Kudu Cafés are reserved strictly for guests purchasing food from the concession.
Does the Zoo have water bottle filling stations?
Yes! Water fountains are available throughout the Zoo, including bottle filling stations at Sea Lion Cove and Stingray Bay.
Can you have a party at the Zoo?
Tables in the Kopje Lodge and at Safari Cafe are reserved strictly for guests purchasing food from the concession. For the safety of the animals, organized groups (birthday parties, baby showers, bridal showers, etc.) will be required to book an event venue on Zoo grounds to hold their party. If you are interested in having a private event at the Zoo, please visit our Private Events Page.
Does Fresno Chaffee Zoo have strollers or wheelchairs available?
Yes! Strollers, electric scooters, and wheelchairs are available from the Safari Trading Co. gift shop on a first-come, first-serve basis at the following rates:
- Single Stroller Rental – $8.00
- Double Stroller Rental – $10.00
- Wheelchair Rental – $10.00
- Electric Scooter Rental – $25.00
Is smoking allowed inside Fresno Chaffee Zoo?
To provide a safer, healthier and more comfortable environment for guests and animals, smoking, vaping and the use of tobacco products are prohibited at the Zoo.
Is re-entry allowed at Fresno Chaffee Zoo?
Yes! Just have your hand stamped at the admission booth to return to the Zoo during the same day.
Does Fresno Chaffee Zoo accept animals?
Fresno Chaffee Zoo is not licensed for wildlife rehabilitation. Therefore, we are unable to accept animals (living or deceased) from the public. If you find a domestic or wild animal, please contact the Central California SPCA at 559-233-7722.
Are there any prohibited items and activities at Fresno Chaffee Zoo?
For the safety and welfare of our animals and visitors, the following items are prohibited:
- Glass Containers
- Balloons
- Wheeled Shoes (heelies, roller blades, scooters, bikes, hoverboards, skateboards, and segways)
- Weapons, firearms, knives or blades, clubs, hammers, martial art devices, and other related items that are deemed dangerous, suspicious, or inappropriate
- Unmanned Aircraft Systems (drones) or any similar remote-controlled vehicles/flying devices without prior approval
- Flammable liquids and gases, fireworks, ammunitions, explosive devices, and related materials
- Large Coolers (Small, personal coolers which can be carried in one hand are permitted)
- Paint and related marking materials, including spray cans and other aerosols
Prohibited Activities:
- The sale of goods or services, or the display of goods or services, unless prior written approval has been obtained
- The distribution of printed or recorded matierials of any kind unless prior written approval has been obtained
- Engaging in any unsafe act or other act that may impede the operation of the Zoo or any part thereof
- Unauthorized access or entry into staff areas or areas
- Unauthorized events, speeches, or use of any flag, banner, sign, or other material for commercial purposes, or as part of a demonstration
- Photography, videotaping, or recording of any kind, or otherwise engaging in any activity for unapproved commercial purposes
- Unauthorized solicitations of any kind, whether commercial, religious, educational, or otherwise conducting any unauthorized commercial activities, including: solicitations of money or other contributions or donations.
- Feeding or disturbing the animals, including throwing objects, tapping or banging on exhibit glass, or playing music in the Zoo
- Entering non-public areas
- Smoking, including e-cigarettes and/or vaping
- Climbing on trees, picking flowers, and disturbing the landscape
- Any disruptive behavior that impedes our ability to protect the animals in our care.
If you see something, say something. If you notice someone acting inappropriately or dangerously, please contact a Zoo staff member.
Fresno Chaffee Zoo is private property, all rights are expressed and implied.
We reserve the right to prohibit any other activities that we determine may be harmful or disruptive, in our sole and absolute discretion.
Can I take photos and videos at the Zoo?
All guests are welcome to take photographs and videos of their experience for personal use only. Rates apply if photos and/or videos are taken for commercial purposes. Please visit our Media page to learn more about the Zoo’s photography and videography policies.
What is your social media comment and community policy?
Fresno Chaffee Zoo loves to hear from you and engage with you! You are welcome to leave your questions and comments for us on our social media accounts. Please be advised that we moderate comments to remove anything that is outside of our community standards. These include any comments that contain vulgar language, personal attacks, spam, encouragement of illegal activity, or offensive language targeted at any ethnic, racial, gender, or religious group. If you have any concerns or feedback, please reach out to us at marketing@fresnochaffeezoo.org.